Best Aluminum Foil Garden Uses You Didn’t Know About

We all have a roll of aluminum foil in our home. Some use it for cleaning, others use it to prevent splashes when cooking, and some use it to wrap their sandwich for work. It has a plethora of uses, but rarely anyone knows that it can also be used in the garden.

How? Well, you can shape aluminum foil in almost any way you want. Whether it’s a bird scare or a sun box for seedlings, below you can see the top uses of aluminum foil for your garden.

Aluminum Foil Garden Uses

Slug and Pest Repellent

Aluminum foil can be used to keep slugs and all kinds of pests away. You don’t need to do anything special. Just put a few sheets around in your garden with some rocks to keep them in place. Mix much with foil strips in a wheelbarrow and it’ll keep many bugs and pests away.

Sun Box for Seedlings

Aluminum foil is very bright and reflective so it’ll make a fantastic sun box for your seedlings. This will encourage growth and provide warmth, and it’s easy to prepare as well. Take an old shoebox and line all four sides with the foil. Extend it around 2 inches over the top and use tape and glue to secure it if needed.

Poke small holes for drainage and there you have it – your seedlings sun box is ready.


No need to actually sculpt meters of aluminum foil into a scarecrow. A few bigger strips on high poles or branches should be more than enough to keep birds from ruining your plants and trees. You can decorate them any way you want to make the whole thing even scarier for birds.

Rodent Deterrent for Winter

Having problems with rodents in your garden? Just wrap your trees with aluminum foil in winter. This will keep rodents from munching on them and will also prevent them from climbing on them and ruining the texture. Add two layers of foil for protection – the thicker it goes, the better/

Deer Deterrent

Fences usually keep deer away, but if that doesn’t work, you can wrap sapling and shrubs with aluminum foil. The reflective surface will keep deer away. Just make sure you wrap them nicely high so the deer feel intimidated. Aim for waist-high as deer can jump over lower fencing with ease.

Disposable Dispenser

Every serious gardener needs to invest in fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides. The cost doesn’t run cheap, but without them, your garden wouldn’t thrive. No one likes wasting these chemicals when pouring them from bigger to smaller bottles. But there is a simple solution to it. Simply shape some aluminum foil into a cone, put it in the bottle, and pour away. It’s the best DIY funnel solution you’ll try.

Squash Vine Borer Deterrent

Vine borers love laying eggs on parts of plants that are the most vulnerable. To prevent a colony of these pests, wrap some aluminum foil at the bases of your plants. It’ll confuse the borers and they will lay their eggs on the foil, keeping your plant safe.

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