Incredible Hydrogen Peroxide Uses No One Knew About

Hydrogen peroxide is the substance our parents used on scratched knees when we feel as kids. We hated it then (it burned like hell!), but find it very useful now that we’re older and wiser. While it works great as a cleaner and disinfectant on wounds, hydrogen peroxide has many more uses no one told you about.

Did you know you can use it to remove stains from your teeth? Or that it can keep your whites white? As a matter of fact, it has many uses in a household, and we’ll share the top ones with you below.

Amazing Hydrogen Peroxide Uses

  • Hydrogen peroxide is a great disinfectant. It works on wounds, but also in your home. Add some to your cleaning liquid and clean your house to keep it germ-free.
  • A bit of hydrogen peroxide in a bowl of fruits and veggies when you clean them will keep them fresh for longer.
  • Run out of contact liquid? You can store your contacts in hydrogen peroxide no problem. It won’t harm them at all.
  • Rub a bit of hydrogen peroxide with your toothbrush to remove stains from your teeth. Do this regularly and you’ll keep them white and shiny as a diamond.
  • Clean your skin with hydrogen peroxide every night. Adding this into your skin routine will keep your skin in optimal pH balance.
  • You can use hydrogen peroxide as an antiseptic – it works better than store-bought products.
  • Add a bit to your bath to detox your body. It’ll help clean your pores deeply.
  • Dip a cotton swab in some hydrogen peroxide and clean your ears with it. It’s more effective than the cotton swabs themselves.
  • Hydrogen peroxide can do wonders as a pilling for your feet. Add it to your product of choice and use it regularly – you’ll be amazed by the results.
  • Using hydrogen peroxide regularly will strengthen your immune system, helping prevent yeast and other types of infections.
  • Gargle some hydrogen peroxide every morning instead of mouthwash liquids. It’ll keep your breath fresh.
  • Add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on your toothpaste when you brush your teeth. It’ll make them whiter than ever, but give it some time.
  • Apply a bit of hydrogen peroxide on your elbows to soften the skin. Add a softening cream in the end and you’ll never have trouble with hardened elbow skin again.
  • Rub a bit of hydrogen peroxide on areas with acne to clear them all.
  • Add a bit of hydrogen peroxide to your shampoo the next time you wash your hair. It’ll be silkier than ever.
  • Foot baths with a bit of hydrogen peroxide are great for treating corns and rough skin.
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