The Top Mosquito-Repelling Plants for Your Garden

Spring is here and summer is just around the corner, bringing many pleasantries including the beach and ice-cream. The warm weather brings a lot of unpleasant things, though, and we’re not just talking about scalding hot days. If you like to enjoy your garden on the warm days, you probably hate mosquitoes the most. These buzzing critters are a real pain in the a** and can be dangerous in unprecedented ways. To make things worse, most of those heavily advertise anti-mosquito products rarely work.

The good news is that the solution is as simple as planting a mosquito repellent. In this guide, we’ll give you the top anti-mosquito plants that will keep your garden safe from the flying annoyance.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm

Did you know that citrus smells keep mosquitoes away from your garden and plants? Lemon balm has a fresh cent and looks nice, making it an excellent natural mosquito repellent. The fact that it’s easy to find and cheap makes it an even better choice. Plus, the plant has numerous medicinal benefits, so you can use it to make natural remedies for many diseases and conditions.



Citronella is often used in those heavily-scented candles that supposedly work against mosquitoes. Spoiler alert – they don’t. Plus, these candles also include chemicals you don’t want burned close to you. Citronella itself isn’t a problem. The plant actually repels mosquitoes if you plant it in your garden.

Crush one of its leaves and rub it on your skin and you can say goodbye to mosquito bites. The perennial plant grows 5-6 feet and will decorate your garden nicely, so it’s a must against mosquitoes.



Basil is another plant every mosquito hates. We know that it has a pleasant scent that’s often used as a base for essential oils used in aromatherapy. It emits its aroma without the need to crush the leaves and is an excellent addition to your growing garden. It’s a win-win any way you look at it.



If there’s one notable plant used in aromatherapy, it’s lavender. Known for its strong and pleasant scent, lavender can be found and grown for cheap. It’ll keep mosquitoes away while also improving your garden’s look with its bright violet color. You can also rub it on your skin for an extra layer of protection during the summer when you can’t sit idly and do nothing against the flying pests.



Not many people think about planting peppermint in their gardens, but if you hate mosquitoes, you should do it. Not only it is an excellent mosquito repellent, it’s also an endless source of peppermint oil. It has a wide range of medicinal uses and it’s perfect for use in an aroma diffuser too

This natural insecticide has a very strong and great scent that you’ll love shortly after planting. It’s cheap to get and can be found in nearly all natural stores. Plant it in your garden and you won’t have to worry about mosquitoes (and other pests) anymore.

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