This Wondrous Eggshell Tea Therapy is Magic for Your Garden Plants

You can use eggshells in your garden easily and your plants will thank you. Eggshells have a variety of benefits for all kinds of plants, but with the right ideas, eggshells can be even more beneficial. In this article, we’ll share a wondrous eggshell tea therapy for your plants that will make them grow bigger and better than before.

How Does Eggshell Tea Therapy Work?

Eggshells are full of potassium and calcium, and that’s the reason why they’re a great fit for your plants and garden. They will raise the soil’s pH which is great if it’s slightly acidic or neutral. By using crushed eggshells in your garden, you will make the soil alkaline, helping your plants grow in optimal conditions.

Calcium is a crucial mineral for root development. It will strengthen your plant’s cells and prevent heat-stress and various diseases. On the other hand, potassium will allow it to retain water properly and may even help your plant grow faster.

How to Use Eggshell Tea Therapy In Your Garden

For this recipe, you’ll need about 10-20 eggshells. Make sure to use organic, free-range eggs as their quality is highly important. Now, boil the eggs in a gallon of water, then let them cool down and crush the eggshells. Leave them to sit for 24 hours – that’s enough time for the nutrients to infuse in the water. Strain in the end and your eggshell tea therapy is ready for use.

What You Need to Do

  • Pour the tea around the base of each plant in your garden.
  • Experts say that 4-5 eggshells per plant is more than enough, but you can experiment with 2-3 and see how they work
  • Apply the therapy weekly or every couple of weeks
  • This eggshell tea therapy will make your plants grow like never before. A few cups of the tea per plant is more than enough to see the results quickly

Why Use Eggshell Tea Therapy in Your Garden?

As we mentioned earlier, it’ll boost plant growth and make your plants grow properly. It’ll give them enough potassium and calcium and is a much better alternative to traditional fertilizers. You can make your own eggshell tea therapy and apply it to all your plants, making them grow like never before.

The most important benefit is the fact that they’ll grow in an organic way. The produce we buy is full of pesticides, so going organic is the only choice.

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